Cancellation & Returns

Cancellation Policy

Autoglam allows its customers to Cancel Order at any time prior to Shipment of the order, within 24 hours of the time of the order was placed. To Cancel Order please Call us +91-9953585600 (10:00am to 6:30pm)

Return Policy

All items must be returned in the original package, should not be damaged or installed, and must be in original condition. We will arrange Return Pick Up from the Delivered Address. Any item returned that shows improper use, improper handling or physical damage; damaged / torn out box, missing manuals, parts and accessories will not be replaced and will be returned back to buyer without rendering a reason

Return Process

Do include a copy of the original invoice in the package when you are packaging your items for re-shipping. Also, please provide valid reason for your return.

Call us at +91 9953585600 (10:00am to 6:30pm)
or email at :

Our Address:, C/O – Glam Retail Pvt. Ltd.
Plot no 108, Near Amity Int School, Mayur Vihar Phase 1 Extn, East Delhi – 110091, India